10 September 2009

hello again england

I love airports. Really LOVE airports. I have since I was a child. I know to some the entire experience is just stress and chaos. But there is something about them that enchants me. Thousands of people, each individual coming from one place, going to another, each with their own story to tell. To me it creates an atmosphere of mystery and adventure. I love it!

I became very excited as I got near SeaTac on Tuesday evening. Giddy to be at an airport, anxious to return to England, but at the same time sad to be leaving my family and friends. I had an incredible summer. So much quality time and fun with my parents, grandparents and great friends, I am truely grateful. So many fun weddings!! As much as I will miss everyone, I know for now I am happy to be in England. I am a 23 year old American girl with little money and no job at the moment, who wants to see the world and wants more adventure before she settles down, who also happens to have fallen for an English bloke. So my boots came off, my computer came out of the bag, everything in trays and through security I went.

Best flight of my life! I boarded just before 10:00 pm, fell asleep and woke up half an hour before landing in London. Plus, I was seated by the window with no one right next to me.

I woke up this morning (Thursday) about 3:00 am I think, (seriously it was pitch black and I saw the sun rise, thank you jet leg!) and thought to myself how crazy it is that I grew up in little Selah, went to UW (go dawgs!), and now I am waking up in an old farmhouse in the English countryside with people I really care about. I actually do have friends across the globe now. I often wish I could split myself in two and be in America and England at the same time. That's unfortunately not possible so after my amazing summer in the States I am now starting my job hunt in Brighton, England. Wish me luck!



  1. Here's to your continued adventure. Good Luck! Love, Mom

  2. jenn it was so awesome that you got to come stay with me and jer for a weekend before you left. HAVE FUN ON YOUR ENGLISH ADVENTURES! xxx

  3. Ah love...I miss you already...yet it was worth sending you off because I had an amazing summer with you. I cannot wait to read more about your adventures...I have to live through you, you know...my crazy, fearless best friend! Hope to be joining you over there soon...for my own adventures.

    PS...have you ever wanted to be a taxi driver or does wearing a turban keep you away?

    Love ya!


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