27 September 2010

A bike ride and an injured wrist

This past weekend I took advantage of what was possibly the last sunshine filled days of the year with a long cycle ride through Sussex downs. Tom was playing cricket in Lindfield. I planned to ride to meet him, hopefully in time to catch a bit of the game. I set off for the first time in my brand new proper cycling shoes. I was a bit nervous being clipped into my bike, as I knew if I didn't get out in time at a stop I would end up falling over. That would be embarrassing!

I cycled along the seafront past loads of people out enjoying the sun, the food festival on Hove lawns and everything else the beach has to offer. I made my way up through town and out onto the downs.

Things there turned for the worse for a bit, literally. At the one important turn of the entire journey I got confused and turned the wrong way. My mistake put me on a very big scary road, and it wasn't easy to go back. After spending an hour trying to rectify my error, new directions from Tom and a hike up a big hill, I was back at the turn and able to go the correct way.

I soon peddled myself to Ditchling Beacon, an amazing viewpoint especially on this sunny day. I stopped to take some snaps, then changed into my trainers (tennis shoes) and hiked with my bike down the footpath to the bottom of this steep hill. From there my ride was long and flat, easy and enjoyable.

When the cricket pitch came into sight i was relieved, it was about half past six and i was starting to get cold. I thought this was the end, I thought I made it safe and sound.

Remember at the begining of this post I mentioned being slightly scared of my new proper cylcing shoes and being attached to my bike? There is reason for that. In my tired state I failed to detach myself. I'm sure you can picture it, me slowly falling over to the left, landing in the gravel. I'm almost surprised I'm sharing this embarrasing moment. I accidently put my hand down as I fell and came up with a little blood.

My wrist hurt, but I thought it was just freezing from the cold. The next day I could barely move it, it was out of service. Convinced it was broken I got Tom to take me to A&E (the emergency room). My x-rays showed no break, they proved I just had a bad sprain (what Tom said all along, yes he told me so)

Can you tell the left one is bigger?

So I fell off my bike in a lame crash and went to the hospital for a sprained wrist. I'm sure you have embarrassing stories too. And at least I did have amazing views on my ride. Oh and the cricket ended in a tie, 196 all.


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