11 February 2011

Jennifer Kreger: Marketing Executive

I've been offered a new job! After sending in application after application, being told I was the 2nd choice a couple of times and going through a number of interviews I have finally been offered an exciting position.  Starting 1 March I will be a Marketing Executive for Changefirst.  How cool is that!!!


I've wanted to be in marketing,  and I've finally done it.  I've got the job I desire, one that will grow into a successful career.

Changefirst "help(s) people and organisations implement change successfully".  Check out the Changefirst website.

I am incredibly excited to start this job.  It's in Haywards Heath a little outside of Brighton in a country cottage.  It is lovely.  I'm sure I'll have loads more to tell you once I start... watch this space!



  1. How exciting Jenn! When is your first day? Let us know how it goes.

  2. Congrats Jenn! SOO excited for you!


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