05 April 2011

Cartoons rock Peterborough

I can't believe we are already 5 days into April, it is going by so quickly!  I've been super busy with work, Shaun came back down to visit for a couple of days at the end of last week and over the weekend Tom and I went on a road trip for our friend Ade's birthday party.

Ade grew up in Peterborough which is about a three hour drive from Brighton.  On our way we stopped at Tom's Aunt Jane and Uncle Chris' for lunch.  I hadn't met Jane and Chris before and I had a wonderful time visiting them.  They are both very friendly and a lot of fun.  Jane made us a delicious lasagna and I took a lemon drizzle cake for pudding.  I got rave reviews on my pudding from Chris, which I was very happy about.  After a few hours of chatting at their house we continued on our way to the party.

The theme for the night was cartoon characters and I was impressed with the effort everyone put into their costumes.  I heard a number of people even rented costumes for the night!  I raided Sally's dress up box and went as a Flintstone.  Tom went as the preppy Scooby Doo character, although he didn't even know his name (I just looked it up, its Fred Jones).  Housemate Roo was there as Mini Mouse and Birthday boy went as Syndrome from the Incredibles.


The party was fun; good food, good drinks and lots of dancing!  I'm glad we went and that I can now add Peterborough to the list of English places I've seen.

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