28 March 2011

I realised I've been in England too long when....

 When I caught myself with tea in hand as I was washing the car!

Drinking tea whilst washing a car, what type of multi-tasking is that?  

As we cleaned and scrubbed the cars on Sunday Tom's Mum kindly brought our afternoon tea outside.  I did sit down briefly to enjoy mine, but then I was told a missed a spot and I jumped up to continue sudsing.  About a thirty seconds later I took a sip of tea and it hit me.  

I don't know what more to say, other than in America you would NEVER see someone washing a car and drinking tea.  Oh my, Oh my.  Next time perhaps I'll have to sport my bikini, then I'd feel American again.


1 comment:

  1. LOL! bikini car washing...SHS dance/drill team status!! hahahaa

    ps obsessed with your new haircut. adorbs!


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