16 July 2011

Pram Race 2011

I know I've been a bit bad at posting here lately. I've been very busy with work, which is still going very well and I love, working out in the evenings and doing a lot more cooking.

This past weekend however was an event worth writing about. It was Oxted's annual pram race. Tom and his friends have participated for the past three years. It's not really something that appeals to me, but spectating is fun. For this event each team has to race through Oxted whilst pushing a pram with someone inside, the end bit of the run is up a steep hill. It takes each team about 10min or so to complete. There are eight pubs along the way and they have to stop at each to quickly down a half pint of beer. To add to the fun loads of kids line the streets armed with water ballons, guns and buckets of water to attack the participants with.

This years Tom's team dressed up as The Axis of Evil. Slightly bad taste I would say, but I had fun sewing him a white dress thing to make up part of his Taliban costume. His team ended up starting 5th out of over 70. I think this proved to be a disadvantage. All of the little kids had been standing on the side of the street in anticipation for ages and since Tom's team was one of the first to go the kids had plenty of ammo to attack them with. By the end they were absolutely soaked!

I was a little disappointed the other girls bailed at the last minute, but luckily I ran into Tom's cousin Holly and her little girl Sophie and chatted to them during the race. Afterwards the village turns into one big party. Many of the pubs had live bands and BBQ's/Hog roasts. It's like a big street party as people mingle and mosey between pubs.

It was a fun night that ended in an hour long walk back to Brook Farm. There are not many cabs in Oxted, and with that many people out it's near impossible to get one. I enjoyed the walk though, even when it started raining - I had my umbrella.


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