05 February 2010

a new galaxy

One thing that the British indisputably do better than Americans is chocolate. Seriously, just try a bite and you will be converted. Sorry Hershey's, you were adored at one time but have now been replaced.

First, there is Cadbury. The classic Flake, a full range of candy bars and numerous other yummy treats. However, they are being taken over by Kraft so who knows what will happen in the future. Right now there is major concern over possible closing down of Cadbury factories which could mean a lot of lost jobs in the UK. Only time will tell.

My favourite though is without a doubt Galaxy. Nine times out of ten when a chocolate craving hits its a Galaxy bar that brings a smile to my face along with a feeling of complete satisfaction. It is so incredibly smooth and creamy melting perfectly with each bite. Yesterday I had one of those moments when chocolate is all I desired. So I went to the supermarket and guess what I discovered..... a BRAND NEW type of Galaxy bar!!! GALAXY BUBBLES.

It is the same luxurious shell with an aerated chocolate centre. Similar to and Aero bar, but so much better. It even comes in pink packaging.

In trying to find a picture of this lovely bar for my blog I just discovered that Galaxy is a subsidiary of Mars. Then I found out Mars was founded in Tacoma, Washington! Just goes to prove that many good things in life really do come from the Evergreen State.


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