17 February 2010

pancake day

(I didn't actually make these ones, found the pic on allrecipies.co.uk)

Yesterday was pancake day... and we just finished the leftovers tonight. Pancake day believe it or not has Christian origins. How can pancakes and Jesus possibly be related you may ask? The same way that Jesus is related to Mardi Gras. The day known as Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday is the day before the start of Lent. Lent, for those of you who may not know is the forty days before Easter that Christians/Catholics are supposed to give up something that you love to represent the forty days Jesus spent in the wild without any comforts before he was crucified. Currently, across England, in New Orleans and I'm sure many other places across the globe this Tuesday is the day to indulge and be gluttonous before your forty days of sacrifice.

What are you giving up this year? I think I'm going to go without candy bars, with the incredible chocolate here they are a guilty pleasure (and a fatty one at that).

Pancake Day though can be quite the affair. A girl I work with had a group of friends round for a pancake flipping competition. Now don't think of normal fluffy American pancakes covered in maple syrup, the British type are more thin, getting similar to crepes. They can be filled with many delicious treats. For example with savory pancakes you get ham and cheese or spinach and ricotta and sweet pancakes can be covered in lemon juice and sugar or bananas and melted chocolate. This year we kept it simple, sticking to lemon and sugar, Scrumptious!


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