12 February 2010

twilight... the series

I finally gave in. I did it. I joined in with the vast majority of girls in the world who are addicted to the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. My best friend swears by it, my cousin has read the books who knows how many times and when New Moon came out in the cinemas it is practically all that was talked about around me. I still wasn’t convinced though, a vampire love story… not really my thing.

Then it happened. Tom’s older sister Sally lent me the first book of the series. I was about to say novel; however, it doesn’t compare to Bronte, Woolf, Orwell and all of the other incredible authors I spent my university days immersed in. In fact I do feel slightly silly reading this series as its target audience is clearly teen girls who can still relate to being in school and gossiping for hours about possibly getting a kiss after a third date. Anyways, I’m still reading it. In fact, I finished the first book Twilight, and have now checked out New Moon from the library. Must mean I am slightly hooked.

What I am is determined to see the series through. As I say with a novel, it is always the very ending that makes it or breaks it, so I must get through to the end of the series before making proper judgment.

My critique thus far.... I did find the structure of the first installment a bit Harry Potteresque with the first three quarters building up to a life or death action scene very near to the end. However, it did still grip me to a point and I love that it is an easy read that I can follow as boring things like sport are being watched on TV.


1 comment:

  1. Haha I just gave in too! I am only on the 6th chapter of the first book - it's decent. An easy read, but not one I just can't put down. Good luck!


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