15 April 2010

Purites Party On

def. Purite = the term referring to an employee of Pure360.

Friday night celebrated a successful end to the financial year at Pure360! A year of hard work by everyone meant that the company reached over the revenue target (no thanks to any contribution by me, oh well.... this year!) and we were rewarded by the investors with a huge party.

After an introductory speech by the new MD, who starts the begining of next month, beers and wine were passed around before we strolled into town. The venue for the night was Al Duomo, an Italian restaurant located by the pavilion. Lovely Sarah and of our marketing department and her helpers arranged the entire night. It was phenominal. The lower level of the restaurant was booked out for the company, there was an open tab at the bar and canapes going around on arrival. A meal was to be served later and I saw pizzas lying on the buffet table, but the dance floor was the happening place meaning food was overlooked and ignored by many. What made the night? Stick It On! Chance to be a DJ for the night. Stick It On brings in the decks and those who want it get their fifteen minuets of spinning fame. Beforehand we choose a partner and three songs that would rock the party. Giovanna and I paired up of course, it was DJ Italiana and DJ Americana in the house!

It was brilliant. Such a variety of songs all night long and absolutly everyone on the dance floor. Lars the programmer from the IT room was even out busting his moves. Shocking how much all employees enjoyed it and danced danced danced the night away.


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