Conservative: David Cameron

Labour: Gordon Brown (current PM)

Liberal Democrat: Nick Clegg

If I could vote I would vote for Nick Clegg. My decision is is pretty much based purely on their appearances during the televised political debate last week. I can easily seen how television hurt Nixon, looks are key. Gordon Brown is old news, David Cameron looked untrustworthy (although he has relatively good odds of winning) and Nick Clegg appeared genuine, a passionate leader. I also think my views fit well with the LibDems. Although to be completely honest, I don't actually know to much about their stance on issues.
As today's elections are such a big event in the UK I thought I must blog about them. But I'm not really that into politics, especially when I can't vote. So what is there to write about? Then I started thinking about people choosing to vote. I've read that the percentage of youths who vote in the UK was at a low during the last election. During the last couple of Presidential elections in the States there has been a big push to get young people to vote, which actually did create a slight increase in the last election. I've discussed this with friends and whilst some do see great importance in voting as a right, the general response is that voting doesn't matter enough, that a particular constituency will continue to vote the way it always has, so whats the point? Isn't that a problem, if the voices of the future don't see the point in contributing to the political future, to the future of the country they live in? I'm guilty myself of not paying much attention, just not that interested. Searching online I find that Obama and Clegg are popular amongst youth voters. It is the candidates that stand for change that young people are attracted to. Why is it change that is desired? After anything that is new and fresh perhaps? I'm not quite sure, I don't have all the answers. What I do know is that in today's world which is increasing ruled by social media, young people are used to a fast pace where everything is quickly and easily accessible. The world is literally at our fingertips. How this relates to politics? That is for the politicians to puzzle over.
Friends what do you think... is voting important to you? Why?
If I could have voted today I would have I think, and I hope I would have paid a bit more attention to the parties ideals beforehand. After all, even though I don't get too into politics I do fill out my ballot. I voted in the last election I could... Obama, Yes I did!
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