02 January 2011

New Years Resolution

I think everyone should have a New Years resolution.  Its tradition, and its fun.  Now I don't mean things like, I want to loose weight or quit smoking.  So many people use those and barely anyone sticks to them after a month.  A resolution should be something fun you want to do or get better at throughout the year.  You need to be able to measure it so at the end of the year you can look back and proudly say, "yes I really accomplished that."

In 2010 my resolution was to improve my skills in the kitchen.  I'll admit I wasn't very good in the kitchen a year ago, and I wasn't confident making meals either.  But with a lot of practice I now love cooking and baking, its evident by the number of cookbooks I got for Christmas.  I decided I would measure my success based on hosting a successful dinner party by the end of the year.  My delicious Thanksgiving feast proved my accomplishment.

So what to do this year?

This year I am going to read the entire Harry Potter series.  Harry Potter immediately became a ginormous success and the series is an important part of our pop culture.  I think everyone should read it, and I'm probably in the minority that hasn't.  Ages ago I read the first four books, but that is it. I haven't even seen the films.

I have twelve months to read all seven books.  I'll give you my rating after each one to track my progress.  I probably won't get started for a month or two as I have a few other books to get through first, but I will be successful in my resolution.  You just wait and see!

What is your resolution this year?


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