28 January 2011

You want some cake?

Lately I've been baking a lot of cakes.  I've made six in the past month, that's more than one a week!

Right after Christmas I baked a Strawberry and Vanilla cream cake for my Grandma, which you saw.  It was then a couple of weeks later I made the incredible Earl Grey Infused Chocolate Fudge cake for my Dad.  Since being back in England cake baking has become a regular habit.

I think I'd been in the country just over 24 hours when I made a Classic Chocolate Birthday cake for Tom's friend Panda.  Two days later was Tom's birthday, and I made his favourite cake, a Victoria Sponge, which you saw at his surprise party.

This week I've made a couple more.  Well, on Monday I didn't make a cake, I made cupcakes.  In England on your birthday you are supposed to supply the treats for your office.  Being the wonderful and amazing girlfriend I am, I baked Neapolitan Cupcakes for Tom to take into work.  They looked incredible!

Yesterday I made my Classic Mascarpone Cheesecake for Tom's Mum's birthday which is today.

I think my insane amount of cake making is going to continue as my housemates both have birthdays in the beginning of February.  Perhaps I should considering becoming a professional cake baker, I'm getting enough practice.

Ever wonder why we have cake on our Birthday?  Wiki can explain... the tradition dates back to the Romans!



  1. what a nice little domesticated diva you are! your cake baking is making me drool! fedex me one, k? ;)


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